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Function SetLinkTime(link: integer; time: single): integer;


This function makes it possible to change the time on individual links. This can be used for special links, which doesn't match the road classes: A ferry could be an example, where you want to enter the exact sailing time, because individual ferries don't use the same speed.


Time should be >0.


On RW NetServer Pro an additional optional argument is available: (How: Integer)

It can take these values:


0: The change is immediate and temporary. If the network is currently being used by some client, the change will be aborted.

1: The change is automatically postponed to the time the network is not in use by clients. The change is temporary.

2: The change is immediate and persistent. If the network is currently being used by some client, the change will be aborted.

3: The change is automatically postponed to the time the network is not in use by clients. The change is persisted.


Default is 0.


For persistent changes (2 and 3), see here.


Possible error codes: -10 -30 -43

Versions: Standard Pro

ActiveX / VCL / CLX component: RW_NetMGMT