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Function ViaListSet(index: integer; name: string; time: double): integer;


The Via List can be used to define a list of places to visit on a route. In particular this includes a name and a time (in minutes) to spend on each place. The function should be used together with function RouteList. Index should be >= 1.


To define the geographical position of the places, use either NodeListSet, LocationListSet or PositionListSet.


An example with 4 places:



ViaListSet(2,"Customer 1",5)

ViaListSet(3,"Customer 2",3)



The list will automatically grow as you enter more entries. Default value is an empty string and 0 minutes.


The function can also be used with isochrone generation, see IsoCostOffSet.


Possible error codes: -10 -30

Versions: Standard Pro

ActiveX / VCL / CLX component: RWcalc