Upgrading from 2.7x

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If you have used version RW NetServer 2.7x previously, here is a list of main items to change:


Makenetwork application


This has been updated to make it easier to use, but do generally still output the same files (except for a change in filename, see below).




Previously it was only possible to have 1 roadname file. It is now possible to load several, so make these changes:


Rename file roadname.bin to roadname01.bin

Rename file roadnumber.bin to roadnumber01.bin

Edit the configuration file and include:




Changes to the configuration file (rwnetserver.ini):


Rename MaxThread to MaxInstances and move it to section [RW_NETCALC service]

Logging should be moved to section [network]

Rename turn_dif to SharpTurnDrivingDirections

Delete any GISoutput setting in section [NetX]


If you generate GIS output from function isopolyX or generateGISfile, you will have to define the desired path through the GISFileDirectory setting instead of supplying a full path, when calling the function.


You will also have to include the new sections in the configuration file. See the sample provided.




A lot of the functions are still the same, but a few specific changes should be mentioned:


The part with creating driving directions is completely different. Use function RouteList now.

Function RouteFind now behaves like in RW Net (i.e. different from before)

Error codes are now the same as in RW Net

When generating GIS file output, the server will now tell you the name of the generated file and the server also keeps track of deleting expired files, so there is not the same need for client-side session tracking.


The syntax and framework for calling the functions has changed. Example:




distance = rw_netcalc.route(node1,node2)




ReDim va(2)

va(0) = node1

va(1) = node2

Call RW.SendRequest("RW_NETCALC", "", "ROUTE", va, v)

Error = v(0)

Distance = v(1)


Connecting to the server and disconnecting again is also different. Please see the supplied sample codes for this. This may look more complicated, but the total number of function calls is generally much reduced, thanks to the RouteList function.