POI lists

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A POI list is a list of predefined coordinates (POI = Point-Of-Interest) in the network along with a textual description. At server startup these are loaded into RAM and translated into node numbers and locations in the street network.


You can use the list for 2 main purposes:


1.To load into the list of nodes or locations for locating the nearest facility. This makes it much easier and faster to locate the nearest facility of some kind - see function NearestLocation and NearestNode.
2.For including POI information in driving directions output, such as location of toll stations, petrol stations etc. See function RouteList for an example.


A list in the configuration file is identified by 3 values:



Associated street network


This setup allows you to relate the same list with several street networks or several lists with the same street network.


When you want to use a specific list call function UsePOINodelist / UsePOILocationList or UsePOIlist.


File format


Currently only input format is CSV format (see sample data) and lists can not be updated after the server has started. Long lists may take considerable time to load during server start. Other file extensions are reserved for future use, so stick to CSV for now.


The 4 fields are these: x (longitude), y (latitude), text description and direction code (optional).


The direction code allows you to restrict in which direction a certain POI can be seen from the road.


0: Both directions (default)

1: Only to the right side of the road (in countries with right-hand driving)

2: Only to the left side of the road (in countries with left-hand driving)


RW NetServer compares the coordinates of the POI and the street coordinates to determine, if the POI is on either side of the road, so make sure the coordinates are exact.


Not sure which kind of country your are in? Look at Wikipedia.