Configuration file

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RW NetServer is being controlled by a configuration file - rwnetserver.ini - which is located in the same directory as the main executable and holds the information about which networks RW NetServer should load into memory.


In addition to the road network configuration there are a number of application server related settings which, for the biggest part, are optional to configure.


0 / 1 settings always mean false / true.


Settings for all networks




GISFileDirectory points to the directory where GIS output should be created. This setting needs to be local to the server. Such folder is likely to be shared with the client or be on the same server. The directory must exist and be writeable. (default: Startup directory for server).


GISFileExpiration. Controls how old a generated GIS file is allowed to be before it's automatically deleted (default 1800 secs). If set to 0, the files are never deleted.


GISoutput defines the output format from functions generating GIS files (routelist, isopoly2 etc.). GML2 means a XML/XSD is generated. MIF means a MIF/MID file is generated. If MITAB is specified a TAB/MAP/ID/DAT file is generated, if the correct version of MITAB.DLL is available. Otherwise a MIF file is generated (default MIF). SHP means a SHP/SHX/DBF is generated. If you plan to read the DBF part of a SHP file, be aware that some database drivers only accepts short (8+3) filenames (see setting below). Microsofts JET engine has this problem.


Netmax defines the number of networks defined in the next sections. If Netmax=3, the next sections should be "Net1", "Net2" and "Net3". A maximum of 50 are allowed (default 0).


ShortFilenames. Controls what type filename generation method is used by the server when a file is being created. Default 0 means that the normal filename generation method is in operation. The filename will be formatted like this: RW_YYYYMMDDHHmmSS_xxxxxxxxxx.??? where YYYY is the year of the file creation, MM=month, DD=day, HH=hour, mm=minute, SS=second and xxxxxxxxxx=an ever increasing unique value provided as a base 26 value (each 'digit' is in the range A-Z). If set to 1, the format used is: RW_xxxxx.??? where xxxxx is an ever increasing unique value provided as a base 26 value.




ChunkSize: The size (in bytes) of the chunks that the log file will be split into. Default is -1 = no splitting.


Filename = Has a default value of rwnetserver.log. Alternative is a specific filename.


LoggingLevel: Possible values are 0 - no logging, 1 - normal logging (default) and 2 - debug logging (MANY details).


Path: Points to the folder where the log file is stored. Default value is directory of executable.



Settings for each network




Coord: Use same value as when the network was generated. 0=Miles, 1=Km, 2=Inch, 3=ft, 4=yd, 5=mm, 6=cm, 7=m, 8=surveyft, 9=nmi, 10=LatLong, 11=Link, 12=Chain, 13=Rod, 14=dm, 15=point. (default 10).


Coord3: 0 / 1 for loading coord3.bin file into RAM, 0 for reading it from disk. Use 1 if you have enough RAM (default 0).


CoordinateWindow: This describes the allowed range for coordinates as input to functions. The number is an extra percentage around MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the street network (default 20). Use a negative value if you want to allow all values (not recommended).


EPSG: Coordinate code for use with GML output format (default 4326 = lat/long, WGS84).


ExternIDOpen: 0, 1 or 2. If 0, no external ID's are loaded. If 1, external ID's are loaded, but not cached in memory. If 2, external ID's are loaded and cached in memory (default 0).


GISoutput: You can overwrite the GISoutput setting for each network. Default value is same as the global setting defined above.


HierarchyEnable: 0 / 1. If enabled, Pro version will load the Hierarchy.bin file (default 0). See details here


HierarchyLevel2: Floating point value indicating hierachy level 2. See details here


HierarchyLevel3: Floating point value indicating hierachy level 3.


HierarchyLevel4: Floating point value indicating hierachy level 4.


HierarchyLevel5: Floating point value indicating hierachy level 5.


IgnoreLinks: 0, 1 or 2 according to if RW NetServer should look for a file called ignorelinks.txt in the same directory as the other network files, which contains information about links, which should be ignored in spatial seaches. See details here. (default 0).


IgnoreLinksExternalID: 0 / 1. Allows you to specify that the content of file ignorelinks.txt above is with external ID's instead of normal link ID's (default 0).


Key: A string for decryption of encrypted binary files. Skip for non-encrypted files. See details here (default blank).


Limit1: 0, 1 or 2. If 0, no limit files are loaded. If 1, limits defined by limit1.bin is loaded into memory. If 2, limits defined by limit1.bin is loaded into memory as a bit pattern. (default 0).


Limit2: 0, 1 or 2. If 0, no limit files are loaded. If 1, limits defined by limit2.bin is loaded into memory. If 2, limits defined by limit2.bin is loaded into memory as a bit pattern. (default 0)


Limit3: 0, 1 or 2. If 0, no limit files are loaded. If 1, limits defined by limit3.bin is loaded into memory. If 2, limits defined by limit3.bin is loaded into memory as a bit pattern. (default 0)


Limit4: 0, 1 or 2. If 0, no limit files are loaded. If 1, limits defined by limit4.bin is loaded into memory. If 2, limits defined by limit4.bin is loaded into memory as a bit pattern. (default 0)


Mode: A number from 1-4. Can be used together with the attribute to define, which parts of the network are accessible (default 1).


Path: Points to the folder with the network files generated with the MakeNetwork application.


PersistedClose: 0 / 1. If 1, any previously persisted link close settings are automatically loaded by the server when its started. See details here (default 1).


PersistedSpeeds: 0 / 1. If 1, any previously persisted link speed settings are automatically loaded by the server when its started. See details here (default 1).


PersistedTimes: 0 / 1. If 1, any previously persisted link time settings are automatically loaded by the server when its started. See details here (default 1).


RoadFileIDX: 0 / 1 defines if roadfile X (1..99) should be opened (default 0).


RoadFileCachedX: 0 / 1 defines if roadfile X (1..99) should also be cached in RAM (default 0).


SharpTurnDrivingDirections: defines if sharp turns at intersections where the streetname doesn't change, should trigger a turn description anyway. If you use 0 degrees it will never trigger and a typical value would be 30 degree (default 0). Can be overridden by setting the property of the same name.


SpeedX: X is a value from 0 to 31, which is a road class. Defines the speed for that road class. If your network has road classes for which no speed information is defined, the default value is 1 (km/h or miles/h). No warning is given in this situation, but you may get strange results, as such links are quite slow to travel compared to most normal links.


SwapOneWay: 0 / 1. If 1, all one-way restrictions are swapped during network loading. This can be used to calculate isochrones where routes are calculated not from the center but to the center (default 0).


Time: 0 / 1 according to if RW NetServer should look for a file called specialtime.txt in the same directory as the other network files, which contains information about time information for specific links. See details here (default 0).


Turn: 0 / 1 according to if RW NetServer should work in turnmode and look for a file called turn.txt in the same directory as the other network files, which contains information on turn restrictions. See details here (default 0).


Unit: 0 (km) / 1 (miles). Determines the unit used for defining road speeds (speedX parameter) and how distances are returned by the server (default 0).


UseOneWay: 0 / 1 according to if one-way street information should be used, when reading attributes. If you use a network for pedestrians you may prefer not to load one-way street information (default 1).


UTurnAllowed: 0 / 1. Contains the default value for property UTurnAllowed (default 0).


Settings for POI-lists - see details here.




ListMax: States how many lists are defined below. (default 0)




File: Full path and filename of the list.

Net: ID for network.


Settings for application server




UniqueIdentifier identifies the server in a multiserver setup and when the server is monitored using Windows Performance Monitor. See details here.


GatherStatistics: 0 / 1 (default 0). Controls if server level statistics should be collected. 0=false. There is currently no way to extract statistics from a Linux based server, so on that platform one can just as well set the value to 0.


CPUAffinityMask: some_numeric_mask. Controls which CPU's the server is allowed to use. Default 0=all provided by OS. The numeric mask is a bit mask where each CPU is identified by a bit: bit 0 (value 1) identifies first CPU (CPU 1), bit 1 identifies second CPU etc. A mask of 6 (= 110 binary) thus means that CPU 2 and CPU 3 can be used by the server. Remember that hyper-threading enabled CPU's count as two CPU's.


Servicename: A string which specifies the name for the service, if you install RW NetServer as a NT service. Default "rwnetserver".


Servicedisplayname: A string which specifies the display name for the service, if you install RW NetServer as a NT service. Default "rwnetserver".


Servicedescription: A string which specifies the description of the service as it is shown in the service manager.


If you want to install and run several copies of the NT Service on the same computer, both servicename and servicedisplayname has to be unique.


Settings for transport




BindIP= Define a TCP/IP mask for networks allowed to connect to this transport. Default which allows all TCP/IP networks to access.


BindPort. Defines which port the server will use to listen for clients on this transport (default 3000).


VerifyTransfer: 0 / 1 (default 1). Control if data transferred via this transport should be verified. Recommended to be set to 1 and required to be 1 for several client types.


StreamFormat: STANDARD or SOAP (default STANDARD). Control which protocol to use for the data communication. STANDARD implements a fast binary protocol which is required by several client types. SOAP provides a SOAP interface as described by the kbmMW.wsdl file.




Section for transport oriented settings for the second supported transport. See explanation for Transport1. It's optional if this section should be included. If only one transport is required, only define the Transport1 section.


Settings for services in server


The server contains 3 services with the same 5 parameters. Default values are different as listed below:


Enabled: 0 / 1. Controls if the service should be available to clients or not (default 1).


GatherStatistics: 0 / 1. Controls if statistics should be gathered for the service. The statistics can be viewed using Windows Performance Monitor on Windows platforms (default 0).


MaxIdleTime: Control how many seconds a service instance is allowed to be idle before being garbage collected by removal of the service instance until next time it's needed (default 3600 secs).


MaxInstances: Control how many simultanous instances that are allowed to run of the service. The more instances, the more simultaneous requests for functionality hosted by that service, are allowed to run. However be aware that CPU or memory resources may be a bottleneck. In such situations it is better to limit the allowed number of simultaneous instances and let the application server queue requests until an instance is available.


RequestTimeout: Controls how many seconds a request is allowed to last before the client is notified about a timeout and the request is cancelled.


[RW_NETCALC service]

This service is the main RW NetServer calculation service. It contains lots of functions which are used prepare and do route calculations. Statefull service.


MaxInstances (default 10)

GatherStatistics (default 0)

MaxIdleTime (default 3600 secs)

RequestTimeout (default 300 secs)


[RW_NETBASE service]

This service provides access to the street network related functions and queries. Stateless service.


MaxInstances (default 1)

GatherStatistics (default 0)

MaxIdleTime (default 3600 secs)

RequestTimeout (default 300 secs)


[RW_NETMGMT service]

This service provides access to 4 functions for modifying the street networks. Stateless service.


MaxInstances (default 1)

GatherStatistics (default 0)

MaxIdleTime (default 3600 secs)

RequestTimeout (default 0=infinity)


[Inventory service]

The inventory service provides meta information about itself and other services to clients requesting such information. Stateless service.


MaxInstances (default 1)

GatherStatistics (default 0)

MaxIdleTime (default 3600 secs)

RequestTimeout (default 0=infinity)