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Property ATSP: boolean;


ATSP is short for Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem.


Setting this property to true, makes the TSP2 and TSP2dyn functions use another algorithm, that is better suited for street networks with many one-way restrictions (i.e. asymmetric distance matrix). In such instances the improvement of the solution can be as much as 4-8% (depends a lot on the actual data) compared to the normal 2-optimal algorithm. In situations with symmetric distance matrices, the solution is app. of the same quality as the normal algorithm.


Calculation time is generally the same for smaller problems (0-50 nodes), but it is faster than the normal algorithm for larger problems (significant improvements can be achieved).


The algorithm uses random permutations (known as simulated annealing), so you can not always get the same result back between different runs on the same input data.


In the free/standard version ATSP is always false.


ActiveX / VCL / CLX component: RWcalc