RouteFinder 6.07 for MapInfo - Overview

RouteFinder 6 is an application for MapInfo users who need to solve routing-related problems, but without doing any programming.

RouteFinder 6 is based on RW Net 4 and makes most of the functionality available to the user with easy access to the fast routing engine.


  • Size of datasets: Up to 100,000,000 records
  • Support of all MapInfo coordinate systems (also latitude/longitude)
  • Creates topological networks directly from TAB files
  • Z-level in files
  • Choice of Km or Miles as unit of distance
  • Shortest / fastest path with point-&-click
  • One-way streets
  • Turn restrictions
  • Via point routing
  • 32 road classes
  • Multiple vehicle types
  • Multiple speed files
  • Dynamic segmentation mode
  • Routing via selection from gazetteer, i.e. towns
  • Travelling salesman with point-&-click
  • Isochrones (voronoi or link-based)
  • Service area calculation
  • Distance-tables
  • Nearest N centres
  • Update Point Table
  • Traffic volumes (flow)
  • Route Pairs
  • Route descriptions
  • Dynamic cut-offs and slowing down of links
  • Use of limits (such as max weight etc)
  • Tools for identification of network issues:
  • - Subnets, Cul-de-sacs, Close nodes, Overpasses check, Node-link check

    To learn more about RouteFinder:

    View the introduction video.
    Download it and request a test license from within the application.

    System Requirements

  • RouteFinder requires MapInfo 10.0 - 15.0 (32-bit) / 15.2.2 or newer (64-bit). Windows 7-8-10.
  • Uses 80 MB harddisk space (includes sample data)
  • Memory requirements depend on the size of your road data: 100,000 links equals approx. 5 MB RAM

    Main changes from version 5

  • Graduated isochrone
  • Cluster analysis
  • New vehicle editor
  • Attribute calculator
  • Online activation
  • Many other improvements...

    Upgrading for RouteFinder 5 users

    Users on maintenance receive the new version for free.
    Licenses bought after 1-1-2019 will be upgraded for free.

    See prices for upgrade options.