Add Node Layer

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Go to Analyze > Add Node Layer ShowNodes_32x32


When you use this function you will get a new table added to your map window. The layer shows the nodes that are used as a part of the network. It may assist you while you are working with the network functions.


The node layer has these attributes: The internal ID (1, 2, 3 .....) and the degree. Degree is a number >=1 and denotes the number of links attached to the node.


You will normally find that most nodes has a degree of 1, 2, 3 and 4, but larger values are also possible.


The default colours should help in locating topological issues:


(1) Big red dot - Dangling node / end of cul-de-sac (look for these in odd places)

(2) Little back dot - Cosmetic node joins two roads but could be joined together if required

(3) Medium Blue dot - T-junction

(4) medium magenta dot - 4 or more way intersection.


An example of this is shown below:

