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Function LocationListSet(index, link: integer; percent: double): integer;


Use this function to enter a list of locations.


LocationListSet(1,100,0.1) sets the first location to be link #100, 10% from the beginning. All functions taking the location list as input, expects you to start with position 1 in the list.


If LocationListLimit returns 3000 and you call LocationListSet(3001,link,percent), the length of the list will automatically be increased by 100 more locations every time the current limit is exceeded. If you know you need 10000 locations, then start by calling LocationListSet(10000,link,percent) - that will be slightly more efficient.


NOTE: Not all functions relying on the location list may perform well, if you enter many locations into the list.


Possible error codes: -10 -30 -43

Versions: Standard Pro

ActiveX / VCL / CLX component: RWcalc