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This client type is suitable for any .Net installation, including Compact Framework. It requires .NET 2.0 or 4.0 runtime.


To compile a .Net application with RW NetServer access, one need to refer to the kbmMWClient.dll .Net assembly.




See the C#/sample folder for an example of a C# application.


One difference to notice here is the requirement for creating a specific TkbmMWTCPIPTransport which is then referenced by the TkbmMWSimpleClient. Apart from that, the usage is very similar to Java.


To compile this sample from the command line, use the compile.bat file.


And the output from running the sample:


err=0 node=8184 dist=0.300296032180195



In the ASP.NET folder you can see another sample, that can also be tested live here:




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