Incompatible jobs

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This allows you to define groups of jobs which are not compatible with all other jobs. But compatible with each other.


This is similar to how sheeps and lions do not go together at the same time (the lion is likely to eat the sheep).




Jobs: J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5.

If J1 and J2 are listed as incompatible, it means they can not be loaded onto a resource at the same time as J3, J4 and J5.


OK, since J1 is deliveried before J3 is picked up:

J1 - pickup

J1 - delivery

J3 - pickup

J3 - delivery


Not OK, since J1 and J3 is loaded onto the resource at the same time.

J1 - pickup

J3 - pickup

J1 - delivery

J3 - delivery